Ok- I need to write on my blog more. This is not only coming from my family, but my co-author (Trish). I just didn't want to bore you with the reality of what is going on... which is just editting, editting, editting... and glaring at my co-author to edit my edits (off in the distance, the sound of a cracking whip is heard)
Though Trish has reminded me that I need make goals for myself too for the year.
Alas, my first post (and hopefully not the last for the year, lol) will be about what happened in 2008 and organizing 2009.
2008 Fiction:Novels-1) Submitted a cover letter and first few chapters of Fae Sithein to some agents.
After attending World Con and listening to an Agent discuss cover letters (the Query letter) we realized our cover letter sucked and was most likely the reason why it was rejected-- AND also the fact that as it were, the novel was 180,000 words long. For a first novel, the agents will not even look at what you submitted if the manuscript is that long (this info is also stated in the cover letter). They like it btwn 120-140,000 words.
2) Editting
Fae SitheinWe have been looking at what is absolutely necessary for the book and cutting the rest. We needed to cut about 40,000 words.. WHICH IS HARD... considering it's like butchering your child. We've had the gracious help of a lot of people in this process.
Kudos to Hali, Ruth, Aimee, Jen, Julie.....
Short Stories-
3) Completed "Party Crashers" and had it published in the short story anthology:
Bad Ass Faeries II: Just Plain Bad.4) Completed and have ready for submission, flash fiction:
PoppyseedsConferences:May 2008: Balticon in Maryland, Baltimore.
Attended my first launch party for
BAF II: Just Plain BadMy first convention EVER-- so it was a little overwhelming. But I did get to meet Trish for the first time :D in the 8yrs that I'd known her.
Aug 2008: WorldCon in Denver, Colorado.
Attended my first "after parties". I met some great authors and agents. I saw Steven Spielberg going up the escalator and I went down (squeee)! I shall NEVER wear flip-flops to a conference again!
Finish editting my co-authored novel
Fae Sithein: Yesterday's ShadowsSubmit my co-authored novel
Fae Sithein: Yesterday's Shadows to at least 10 agents.
PUBLISH the novel and smile proudly (Well.... get the Agent to represent it...)
Write a synopsis and possibly start a few scenes/actually make a rough draft for a vampire novel inspired by Ruth Mullins :)
Finish rough draft of my Y/A novel (untitled but known as:)
Finish rough draft and begin editting Y/A novel co-authored with my Dad:
Gypsy Love LettersWrite a synopsis for a ghost Y/A novel that has been buzzing in my head.
Maybe even be bugged by my future agent to start writing the next installment of
Short Stories-Submit for publication co-authored w/ Trish:
PoppyseedsPoetry-I've been thinking about writing some and actually submitting it somewhere. We'll see if time allots.
Conferences:Attend WorldCon in Montreal, Canada in AUG this year :)
I think there is a Conference in Salt Lake City too that I totally was unaware of last year and am thinking about attending this year... are you game Trish?
I accomplished a lot...but have a lot more to accomplish. I hope I can hit at least 50% of my goals.
1-2-3 Go TEAM!